Variables & Inputs

Variables & Inputs

Learn how to use ProcessZen to streamline your workflows and boost productivity.

Using Variables in Your Workflow

Variables help you create dynamic content in your internal workflows. They let you reference information collected in input fields throughout your workflow steps.

How Variables Work

When you add an input field to your workflow, it creates a variable you can use in later steps. For example:

1. Add a "Project Name" input on step one

2. Use {Project Name} in later steps to reference what was entered

Adding Variables to Your Content

There are three ways to add variables to your workflow content:

• Type { to see a list of available variables

• Press / and choose scroll down to see all available variables

• Click the + menu and select "Add Variable"

Types of Variables

Different types of inputs create different types of variables:

Text: For names, descriptions, and other written information

Numbers: For budgets, quantities, and other numerical values

Multiple Choice: For selecting from preset options

Best Practices

Follow these tips for using variables effectively:

• Use clear, descriptive names for your input fields

• Test your workflow to make sure variables display correctly

• Consider adding default values for optional fields

• Use variables to make instructions clearer and more specific

Common Examples

Here are some practical examples of using variables in workflow steps:

• "Review the {Project Type} requirements document"

• "Prepare quote based on scope: {Project Scope}"

• "Set up project tracking for {Department} team"

• "Update task status in {Project Management Tool}"